I am Ash Leah Varia.

I created this company after becoming a certified personal trainer and seeing all of the individuals who felt like they could never live healthy due to their age, past injuries, health restrictions, lack of physical ability, or even just because they were nervous that they would look ridiculous in the gym. 

With my education and experience running multiple gyms and being the Personal Training Director for over 20 trainers, I have been able to provide these unique individuals with HOPE and a PATH to get them safely and effectively where they want to go. 

We can reach so many more individuals around the world—LIKE YOU!


Our Services

Online Personal Training with PhaseUP Programming

Nutrition Coaching
and Beyond

Book a FREE
Discovery Call!

Our Philosophy

We want you to Build a Healthy Relationship with Exercise, Food, and Your Body.

  • Creating an environment that fosters positivity throughout the entire transformational journey.
  •  Encompassing a holistic “whole body” approach to total wellness for a lifetime. 
  • Coach and Client partnership that promotes effective wellness routines that are tailored to your lifestyle. 

The Growing Community

Everybody has their own personal Everest(s) that gets in the way of their nutritional health and physical capabilities to live in a way that promotes them to enjoy their life to the fullest.

How Clients PhaseUP their life…

Connect with Ash