15 Different Reasons People Hire a Personal Trainer or Nutrition Coach to Enhance Their Life

Hiring a personal fitness trainer isn’t just for the unhealthy.


A person who wants to hire a Personal Trainer can be someone who…

  • is already really healthy, but wants to try a new way of training, wants to get even stronger, wants to learn exercise efficiency, or needs assistance in preparing for an event. 
  • wants to build their strength so they can finally hit their ultimate goal of being able to do pull-ups. 
  • wants expert instruction on exercise selection and proper form, as well as, finding a great sustainable fitness approach.
  • wants to not have to think about what they have to do at the gym, or for their workout in general, and instead wants to just relax and enjoy the journey. 
  • cannot seem to put on weight no matter what they eat and do. 
  • has suffered from an eating disorder in the past, but wants to think of food as fuel now instead of the enemy.
  • is interested in learning about nutrition and how it affects the body and can increase the benefits of their workout routine.
  • needs a dependable person to chat to each week that cares about them, their health (even mentally), and their future endeavors.
  • needs accountability, especially on those less motivated days. 
  • has tried what seems like everything to get healthy and hit their personal fitness goals, but nothing seems to be working long-term.
  • needs an initial guided push to build momentum or a slight push to keep the momentum they already have going. 
  • just wants to feel well enough to play with their kids, hike a mountain, or try a new sport or activity without feeling incapable or in pain. 
  • wants to be more flexible, but also create a balanced body. 
  • wants to work out and be more active, but has an old injury they need assistance on working around or even strengthening to prevent further injury.
  • does have an unhealthy lifestyle, but is determined to fix it before more issues arise. 

No matter what your reasoning, every type of person can benefit from a Personal Trainer and/or Nutrition Coach at some point in their life.

I have reached out to people in about my services and for some reason the first thing they think is that I am calling them “fat” or “unhealthy”. Anyone who knows me, or has read anything I have written, knows that I want to offer guidance to everyone no matter your health status. I have worked with many different people and each of them had their own reason for training with me.

I personally want to be the healthiest I possibly can so I can live a life without limits. I want to be able to play with my son everyday without body aches. I want to climb a mountain if I get the urge. I want to try numerous unique experiences. In order to do these, I have to eat well and workout weekly. There is no other way.

I don’t want to spend my old age wishing I would have done something to make my quality of life better. Yes, life happens, but you also have so much more control then you think.

Your health is NOT a luxury. It’s a priority. Doctors prescribe 30 minutes of moving daily for many health benefits. I prescribe a healthy lifestyle for Life Enjoyment to it’s Fullest.

So, if you are someone who gets upset when surrounded by people focused on enhancing their health, or feel like someone is calling you fat when they reach out, look inward and ask yourself… “Why am I feeling this way?”

Thanks for reading!

Sweat and Love,

Coach Ash

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